So you want to write a romance story with heart?
Take the first step today.
Develop your story concept in just 60 minutes!
You don’t need a creative writing degree to write a story with heart. Sometimes all you need is a helping hand and a few strategic questions from a book coach to get you thinking.
Download my free guide for romance writers and learn the steps you need to take to write a story with heart.
It’s free. It’s simple. And it works.
What have you got to lose? Download it today!

Download my free guide and follow the steps inside to feel:
triumphant about coming up with a story concept that means something to you,
so motivated by your story idea that you look forward to each and every writing session,
and so passionate about what you’re writing that you can’t help but do so with depth and meaning.
The thing that most enthused me about this resource is the way you talk about romances needing to have heart and soul, a deeper meaning. I totally love that, get it, agree wholeheartedly! I can see how your resource was driving me towards that approach, and for me, that was really helpful.
RACHEL – Aspiring romance author

It’s free
Every writer deserves to know that they CAN achieve their dream — you can’t put a price on self-belief!

It’s simple
Follow the steps to develop your story concept in an hour or less. You can do it on your lunch break!

And it works!
But don’t just take my word for it. Keep reading to find out how this resource has helped others.
I opened this resource with no story ideas, no inspiration, and faffed about procrastinating for a minute, thinking, “This is never going to work!” (Optimism plus!) But once I focused on the steps and looked at the suggestions, I pretty quickly recalled the inkling of an idea I’d previously had — and then, BOOM, it was on!
IMKE M – Emerging romance author
Who am I and why am I qualified to offer this support to writers?

My name is Libby, and like you, I’m a romance writer, as well as an editor, book coach and life-long avid reader.
I first fell in love with story as an eight-year-old, when I sat wide-eyed, listening to my teacher read Charlotte’s Web. Even then, the aspect of the story that had me most engrossed was the off-the-page romance developing between Fern and Henry Fussy. I absorbed every word of that book, and ever since, story and the romance genre have been my passions — passions I combined when I became a romance book coach.
When I embarked on this career, I worked for a boutique publishing company and spent three years as the Commissioning Editor of Romance. During that time, I coached authors through every stage of the book production process, helping them to develop and polish their manuscripts from early drafts through to the final proofread. I discovered, however, that story development is where my passion as an editor lies. So I trained as a book coach and today I help romance authors write stories with heart.
My resource doesn’t just help new writers, or writers wanting to start planning a new story;
it also helps experienced writers who are struggling with an existing manuscript.
I just wanted to say that I’ve finished working through your resource, and wow, it’s fantastic! To be honest, even though I’ve been struggling to define the core of my work-in-progress, I wasn’t sure how much this resource would help — I thought I knew the answers to all your questions! But once I sat down and started working through them, everything began to make sense, and I uncovered things about my story that I hadn’t even considered before!
VIKKI HOLSTEIN – Author of the White Wattle Creek series