The key to writing the book of your dreams is simple.
Do you dream about writing a story that means something? The kind of romance novel that will stay in readers’ hearts and minds long after they’ve finished the book?
I get it. I understand. You want to write a story with heart.
But if the words you’re putting on the page or the pages you’re revising don’t resemble the story you know is inside you, don’t despair. I can help. All you need to do is take action by choosing one of the options below . . .

Who am I?
Hello, fabulous romance writer! My name is Libby M Iriks, and I’m a romance book coach. I help romance authors who want to write stories with heart.
I’m a developmental editor and writing coach who provides self-paced courses, expert editorial feedback, and one-on-one support to new and emerging romance writers so they can improve their storytelling skills and write the kind of story they’ve always dreamed of writing.
Feel free to stick around, explore the free resources and blog articles, and learn more about me and how I can help you.